Miracle Offering
About Miracle Offering
Can you dream with us for a minute? What would it be like to have a purpose-built church that we own with a next gen wing, an indoor playground, parking for hundreds, a childcare centre, a café, a community hub that brings community together in meaningful ways. Can you dream with us, that God might bring people from all over including those far from God to come to an Oasis multisite location. This is what we see for Jandakot and Baldivis and future locations.
In November 2023, Peter Christensen prophesied that the apostolic mandate of Oasis would now be rolled out. He saw a greater grace flow and capacity to create movement beyond the Sunday context with missional expressions of Oasis throughout WA. He said people are going to be sent out to influence marketplace systems. We can see Oasis as more than the local church but a collective venue of spaces with a lasting impact and influence.
We can get there together! This year for Oasis Churches we are continuing to give into our home and our back yard.
For our backyard, we are investing into Destiny Rescue again(Click here to learn more). This organisation literally rescues children from sex trafficking around the world. We are also investing again into Fitzroy Crossing Aboriginal Outreach in our own backyard to see our indigenous people be impacted by the message of Christ. We will invest again into Oasis playgroup which is reaching 40 people every fortnight, the majority of which comes from our local community. And finally we want to buy a bus! Bringing youth from Baldivis to Jandakot, picking up kids for Sunday services, afterschool programs, transportation to events will also help our Next Gen ministry.
And, our home. We have an audacious vision which requires bold giving and we are asking for partnership in 2 ways. Firstly, sacrificial giving to help us put a stake in the ground and move from renting to buying property. This will build a long lasting legacy for us which goes beyond our generation, into the next. Property is leverage for other locations that we plant in the future. We need to get started. The second, is we are looking for investors. People who have large amounts of equity who would be willing to give interest free or low fee loans to get Oasis started in the property market. Jandakot has successfully raised over $200,000 over the last 18 months as per our goal to save $500,000 in 5 years for a deposit. We are ahead of our goal, however, to fulfil the vision we feel God has called us to, we need significantly more.
Our miracle offering is 100% voluntary and occurs on Sunday 15th September. Please make sure you grab this envelope over the coming weeks and prayerfully as a family consider how you will help Oasis churches take ground.
There are FIVE ways you can GIVE
Online bank Transfer
(one off payments only, must be completed by 31st October)
JANDAKOT BSB 016267 ACC 395829584
BALDIVIS 016267 ACC 436467752
Credit Card
Via Envelopes/Connect Desk
Via Connect Desk, place in giving envelope.
Text Message
Text ‘Jandakot’ or ‘Baldivis’ to 0488 202 202 [Reference Heart for the House]
Provide a no or Low Interest Loan
If you would also like to know more about providing a low or no interest loan for lands & buildings, please email c.blaikie@oasischurchperth.com to register your interest.